Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Los aeropuertos son interesantes

When Amanda arrived at my house on the 2nd at 8:30pm, we had to quickly make her baggage tags and go to bed, the only problem, my sister would not let us go to bed. We finally went to bed at around 9:30pm and woke up at 3:00am sharp and had a long day of flying. From Indianapolis to Houston to Panama (the country) to finally Quito, Ecuador where we stayed for one very short night! We happened to oversleep so Amanda and I had 20min. to get ready, which equals out to 10min. a piece! Amanda and Mrs. Brumbarger had cold showers. Amanda only because she mixed the knobs up...In the US "C" is for "Cold," however, in Ecuador (since they speak spanish), "C" is for "Caliente" (Hot). Don't worry Amanda was not the only one as Tanner, one of my other friends, who is naturally blonde, did the same thing. After everyone had some breakfast we quickly ran to the Quito airport to board our plane to our final destination, Cuenca! I forgot to mention that we went through customs after arriving in Panama and again when we arrived in Quito. When we got into Cuenca our drivers took us out to breakfast where I was feeling the affects of altitude change. Not fun!

Pictures are coming soon! I will update if I have WiFi tomorrow and post pictures then! I have 2 pictures though that I can't wait to post.

The painting "Cuenca in my hand" painted by our friend's dad! I as well as the rest of the group got to see his studio which was totally awesome! He has done so many original paintings all inspired by what is around him! 

While we were buying lunch at the local mall, my friend Hudson fell asleep in his chair! While this was funny I wanted to do the same! We were so sleep deprived from all of the travel yesterday!


  1. Awesome...I want more!!! Love you! Remember the One who created it all.

  2. It sounds like you guys are having a great time! I am so proud of you for stepping out in faith, and following God's call! Remember your "Ever-present Help"! Praying for you all!

    Psalm 31: 19-20

  3. Glad you were able to figure out the showers :) Haha.

    Praying for you!

  4. The shower part was easy...although there was a centipede in mine today, and yesterday I took a 25˚F shower in Saraguro!

  5. I have never gotten sun burnt! Do not know what it feels like...we will see tomorrow though! We are heading to the beach, on the equador at 0 degrees longitude in Ecuador! I am going to need sunscreen!
