J-Term Trip to Ecuador!

I am going to be blogging hopefully while in Ecuador in January of 2012! This is where I will post updates and pictures of what is going on. There won't be much activity on this blog page until around January 5...until then well it will only be occasional post about things, for example: who I am going with and what will I see types of posts every once in a while.  

I will be writing a "report" type of paper on my trip to Ecuador which I can use as a writing assignment !...Oh wait sorry I forgot to say why I am going...I think all you have heard is "grade, posts, update on Ecuador, January 2012"...I am right? OK so...Why?

Here is Why. I will be going with some fellow classmates as our J-Term "project." What is J-Term? J-Term is a period of 3 weeks where 9-12 graders are able to experience different environments according to their interest, for example: If you are into animals you might get a short term internship/volunteer work at a vet or pet store. If you want to catch up on homework it would be a good time to work on getting that grade up :). Or you could take a trip and experience a different culture! (what I am doing this year)

Why we chose Ecuador? That's a different post! Keep watching for posts and that next post on "Why Ecuador and Weather"!


  1. Excited to read while you're there!

    Praying for the trip!

  2. Thanks! I hope to post plenty of pictures!
